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Introduction to Manychat for Beauty Pros


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What is Manychat?

Manychat is a Meta Partner company that can integrate with Instagram and a variety of other social media and marketing platforms, including SMS, to automate conversations with potential customers in your direct messages (DMs).

With Manychat, you can set up automation triggers when your audience does things like: - Replies to your story - Messages you directly - Comments on one of your posts - Mentions you in their story and so on!

The amount you can do with Manychat automation is so vast, that I honestly feel like personally I've only just brushed the surface!

If you'd like to see how Manychat works in real-time and what kind of automations you can create with it, shoot me a DM 🔗 over on Instagram using the keyword "demo1" to trigger my demo automation!


How is Manychat useful for Beauty Pros?

In my opinion, the number 1 reason I think it can massively benefit beauty pros is through answering FAQs or setting up quick replies.

For example: It doesn't matter if you have "NO DM Appointment Requests" posted in all caps in your bio, people are still going to DM you to ask about an appointment...

With Manychat, you can set up an automation that triggers when the words "book" or "appointment" are used in a message being sent to you. In the automation, you can have a help sequence that says "are you looking for information on booking an appointment?" and add links to your website, online booking page, and so on! An automation like that would take away the need for you to manually reply to any and all appointment inquiries in your DMs, which would save you loads of time!

➡️ You could set up automations that will only trigger if the person DMing you is an existing client or vice versa

➡️ You could have an auto-responder that triggers when a client tags you in their story posts after their appointment with you

➡️ And you could even set up special automations that would direct people to your online booking page if you have a last minute cancellation that you're trying to fill

The options are truly endless, but these ☝️ are the ones that really stick out to me.


Signing up for Manychat

The good news is that there's a free version of Manychat if you want to try it out before committing to a paid plan - which I highly recommend you opt for if you're on the fence about it.

Setting your account up and linking your Instagram profile is super simple. But, if you run into any issues trying to figure it out, Manychat's got you covered!

There is a very thorough video course library that can walk you through everything you need to know about using the service and getting the most out of it. ❗️ I've watched many of the videos and they're honestly pretty slick!

Some of the videos that I personally found the most valuable when it came to setting up my account and understanding the very basics were these:


The "Getting Started With Manychat" Workshop

The very first training I offered to the Reel Stylist Membership was a 2 Part, Live Workshop on Getting Started With Manychat

Almost immediately after launching the Reel Stylist Membership, I was getting constant questions about how I set up my Manychat automations for onboarding my new subscribers, and how beauty pros could possibly use it to their advantage too. So it was only fitting that the first workshop I hosted for my subscribers covered exactly that!


The Manychat trainings are broken down into two segments:

1️⃣ Part 1 takes you through the basics of using Manychat, such as:

- Setting up Flows from scratch (without templates) - Different features to utilize within the Flow Builder

- Picking the right Keywords

- Building an FAQ Responder walkthrough

and more!

2️⃣ Part 2 walks you through some of the more Intermediate Automation Features like:

- Collecting contact information to build your email list

- Creating a 'volley' sequence where your bot can chat back and forth with someone

- Creating 'conditions' that allow your automations to trigger for only specific audiences

and more!


These workshops are absolutely jam packed with valuable tips for you to start using Manychat to your advantage, so you do not want to miss out on them!


📲 To Watch The Workshop Replays...

subscribe to the Reel Stylist Membership and start watching now!

The membership offers you unlimited access to all past masterclasses like the Manychat trainings, as well as exclusive access to attend upcoming masterclasses LIVE!

There's tons of other resources available to you inside the membership, but I won't bore you with those now. You can click this link to learn more ⬇️

❌ If you don't want to be a long-term subscriber but still want access to the workshops, you can purchase them individually via the Reel Stylist Resource Library 📚


I hope this article helped to clear up any questions you may have had about Manychat, and I hope you enjoy the workshop replays if you get a chance to watch them!

See you next time 🫶

- Kaitlyn

P.S. When you're ready to level up:

- Book a Consulting Call - work 1 on 1 with me and let's get your Instagram game on point!


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